PS3 vs XBox 360, iPod vs Zune

I visited the local Best Buy store to check out the new PS3 and Zune. I was completely blown away by the quality output of the PS3 all HD quality. The 360 looks old technology in front of it. It may be that Sony has installed it's best in those demo consoles, but that's what marketing is all about. The games on 360 look pale. The console business is a multi-year business. Given this fact I think that even thought the PS3 is a year late compared to the 360, it has plenty of time to catch up. My gut feeling is that it will win this time around also until Microsoft does some magic. Time will tell.

As for the Zune, don't even get me started. The look and feel is so bad that it looks worse than a prototype. I can't believe this is the same team that designed the 360. There is no way that people would buy this piece of crap. I don't care that it has WiFi or some cool feature that the iPod doesn't. First impression is what matters, you should get attracted towards the product the moment you see it. iPod vs Zune, there is no comparison.

6 Responses

Re: PS3 vs XBox 360, iPod vs Zune

Testing the new comment data provider.

This is a test in bold

This is a test in underline

This is a test in strike through

- Vaibhav   (   November 19, 2006 07:11 PM

Re: PS3 vs XBox 360, iPod vs Zune

Nice new skin!  It's getting better and better...

Did you try it out in Firefox?  For some reasons, it did not display properly in computer (1024x768).

It must take a lot of curage for you to critisize MS products :-).  But thanks for the good info.  Looks like I need to wait for next generation of Zune. 

- Lilly   November 22, 2006 09:19 PM

Re: PS3 vs XBox 360, iPod vs Zune

Wow! such a big change and I totally forgot to check it out on Firefox. Will check it out. I have never been biased about any product. So there is no bias towards MS. I have been cursing Vista forever. Why am I justifying my actions? :)

- Vaibhav Kamath   November 23, 2006 11:32 AM

Re: PS3 vs XBox 360, iPod vs Zune

Hey Lilly, thanks for let me know about the firefox bug.

- Vaibhav Kamath   November 23, 2006 08:30 PM

Re: PS3 vs XBox 360, iPod vs Zune

I am googling "cursing+Vista", Vaibhav's name pops up.  Oops, you are now on MS's blacklist.  Be scared, Vaiby.  Hehe.

- Lilly   November 23, 2006 09:36 PM

Re: PS3 vs XBox 360, iPod vs Zune

Testing Comments!

- Vaibhav Kamath   January 17, 2007 07:49 PM

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